Monday, January 22, 2007

Dance Dance Revolution

[with thanks to CDN for the forward, below is a post from "The Shifted Librarian," a remarkable web log we're delighted to discover. Rock on!]

Gaming for Fines

"Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting a teen librarian who keeps Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) set up all the time so she can invoke it as need be. For example, if a teen has overdue books, she will dance-off against the person, and if the teen wins, the librarian will waive the fines.

In addition, when the kids get into squabbles amongst themselves, she tells them to take it to the mat and dance off against each other. It's a great way to channel some of their energy.

Another librarian talked about using DDR for indoor recess at school when the weather is bad."

The Shifted Librarian - Shifting Libraries at the Speed of Byte!

1 comment:

Jon said...

With thanks to Jenna for the tip: we're delighted to add a link to the Archie McPhee Librarian Action Figure.

Check it out!