Sunday, October 21, 2007

Two at the Apex

Thursday, October 25, 7-9 pm
Why Am I Here? The State of Residency

A Panel Talk With:
Nathalie Anglès, Residency Program Director, Location One
Fritzie Brown, Executive Director, CEC ArtsLink

Alexandra do Carmo, artist, past resident Location One, Irish Museum
Kambui Olujimi, artist, past apexart outbound resident to Australia

Moderated by Steven Rand, Executive Director, apexart
"Why do we have residencies and what types of programs are most effective? Who do residencies serve, who should they serve? Why do artists seek out residencies, what are the expectations and what are the results? The panel will address these questions and related issues in a discussion that will be informative and engaging for residents and arts administrators alike.


January 9 - February 16, 2008
The Promotion Project
curated by the public

"Why don't museums and galleries advertise on TV? Why don't people in the arts tell the truth about how much TV they watch? Help bring the art world in touch with the real world.

apexart invites creatives to challenge the "TV is not good enough for me" attitude by making a 30-second spot promoting.... us."

submissions due December 7, 2007.

[graphic: first image displayed from a google image search for 'residency']

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