Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 29, 2005 6:10 a.m. CDT

To mark the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, we present a performance by Aaron Neville of Randy Newman's "Louisiana 1927" from the September 2, 2005 "Concert for Hurricane Relief."

Katrina reached New Orleans on August 29, 2005 at 6:10 a.m.


Jon said...

Louisiana 1927

The lyrics are by singer|songwriter Randy Newman. The Louisiana flood of 1927 killed hundreds and resulted in the dislocation of hundreds of thousands in the southeast.

"The river rose all day, the river rose all night
Some people got lost in the flood,
some people got away alright
The river has busted through clear down to Plackermine
Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline

Oh Louisiana, oh Louisiana
They're trying to wash us away,
they're trying to wash us away
Oh Louisiana, oh Louisiana
They're trying to wash us away,
they're trying to wash us away

President Coolidge come down, in a railroad train
Little fat man with a note pad in his hand
President say little fat man, oh isn't it a shame,
What the river has done to this poor people's land

Oh Louisiana, oh Louisiana
They're trying to wash us away,
you're trying to wash us away
Oh Louisiana, Louisiana
They're trying to wash us away,
they're trying to wash us away
They're trying to wash us away,
they're trying to wash us away"

Jon said...

The September 2nd concert, staged within hours of the national realization of the scope of the devastation to New Orleans, is best remembered for singer|composer Kanye West's unscripted comments.