Saturday, July 04, 2009


291 Church Street
New York, New York

July 8 - August 8
Curated by Susan McIntosh and Albert Wilking

Opening|Scene One: July 8, 6-8 pm
"Be part of the cast in an interactive film epic where expectations are challenged and realities are remade.

Wondermare is based on the notion that much of the behavioral conditioning programmed in our subconscious is the unhealthy byproduct of a world out of balance, a "house of cards" on the brink of catastrophe; the truth of which is obscured from us by our own myopic pursuits and illusions.

The exhibition uses as its setting the story of Alice in Wonderland precisely because it contains anecdotes about the rites of passage into adulthood. The tale consistently resists an easily defined linear structure and at the same time confronts the confusing and often nonsensical rituals that we must travel through in order to obtain a civilized or adult persona in the world we see through our looking glass.


It is time to fall down a rabbit hole, to play a new role and forge a commitment to a different reality.

Welcome to Wondermare."

Participating Artists:
Sophy Bot, Ken Cypert, Sean Dineen, Tegan Flanders, Mimi Fontana & Manhattan Tribal, Adrian Harpham, The Highline Erotic Arts Gallery & their beautiful team, Natali Jones, SH Lace, Vivien Lewit, Kelly Lincoln, Ian Phillips, Alberto Pinto, Charlie Reis, Joseph Teichman, Ronny Wasserstrom, Martha Williams (The Movement Movement), Dred Williams


[text and graphic from apexart press release.]

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